Ja zamiast bagietki użyłam bułki z Lidla, zamiast ricotty almette, a pomidory zastąpiłam grillowanymi szparagami. Reszta bez zmian. Naprawdę polecam.
Appetizer from one of the italian restaurants in Cracow inspired me to do theese sandwiches. In original recipe there are grilled baguettes, on one of them there is ricotta cheese and dried tomatoes, and on the other one there are mushrooms baked with parmesan cheese.
I used bun from Lidl instead of baguette, almette instead of ricotta and I replaced tomatoes with grilled asparagus. The rest is without changes. You have to try it.
Appetizer from one of the italian restaurants in Cracow inspired me to do theese sandwiches. In original recipe there are grilled baguettes, on one of them there is ricotta cheese and dried tomatoes, and on the other one there are mushrooms baked with parmesan cheese.
I used bun from Lidl instead of baguette, almette instead of ricotta and I replaced tomatoes with grilled asparagus. The rest is without changes. You have to try it.